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At November 05, 2006 4:28 PM, Fuzzy
true, nothing can compensate us for our P.O.W's, but still justice needs to be served on Earth, and the rest is left between the hands of Allah.
if i have the option, i wanna be with saddam in room, only the two of us, and ill be so so so creative, and ill start by squeezing his left eyes and pull it of his head, bang his head against the wall several times, kick him in certain sensative areas randomly, distinguish my cigarette on his hand, and then spell some bioling water over his head, i cant go on cuz it will get nasty afterwards, but i guess you got the picture
la la ill send him over to you after im done with him hehehe
على خير ان شاء الله
At November 05, 2006 10:37 PM, UmmEl3yal
I can't agree more! Death is a releif to him.
*** wispering, does that make you F. F. aunt?!
F. F.,
My son used to have a stuffed lion he called Fuzzy Buzzy. So soft and cuddly. Reding your desription of your torture session reminded me that it was a LION despite it's cuddleness!! You scared me and reminded me of DARK times during the invasion :(
At November 06, 2006 1:25 PM, Fuzzy
اي والله هذا بالنار بيتقلى
fear me LOL
اي والله دم اخوي برقبته قص الله رقبته ان شاء الله
اي والله كنت اتمنى شيخنا رحمه الله يشوف اللي صار
hope this is the End of the Dark Ages in Babelon !
سالفة قلب
اتمنى يسوونله معرض دائم يعلقون جثته فيه هالخايس الجيفه
العين الساهرة
آمين الله يسمع منج ان شاء الله
انا ناوي ارقص رقصة البطة اللي تنط نطة لما يشنقونه
he has no dignity nor pride
a pathetic tyron freak that deserves death in the most degreading way
السالفة فيها استئناف وحكم تمييز بس المهم ان انحكم عليه بالاعدام شنقا مو رميا بالرصاص وباجي احكام القضايا الثانيه والانتخابات الامريكية تلعب دور بعد بالموضوع بس ان شاء الله بيعفن بالسجن
لا ما عليج ترى بال بسرواله لما سمع الحكم بس بيسوي نفسه ما تأثر هاهاها
ملعونه خبيثه .. خبيثة ملعونه .. كمل
Hmm.. my nephew is/was/still a missing POW, but this news didn't do much for me!! It's been too long and the wounds are better left untouched. Saddam's death will serve us NOTHING! Not even justice! The crime is way uglier than the penalty. I would've rathered to see him tortured back then when we were. Now it's just redundant!!
Hmm.. come to think of it, I wanna see him shot dead, in public!! Possibly after they do to him what the Enlgish did to Wallace :P