Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Google Buys YouTube
Google Buys YouTube!!Posted by WittyEveryone of us has used YouTube one way or the other. In fact, millions around the world have been sharing and/or watching videos broadcasted by YouTube. Even Google Video wasn't as popular. So, in an effort to stay the most powerful enterprise, Google has bought the video-sharring web site yesterday for $1.65 billions!!
YouTube was founded in February 2005 by three young employees of PayPal, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. The attached video is for Chad and Steve thanking all of YouTube users (i.e. us :P)
To be honest, I don't think that this is a good idea. I love YouTube as it is. I bet google is gonna change it to match their theme, or even worse, charge money for uploading or saving vidoes. Even if it's in cents not dollars! Imagine what millions of cents can add up to!
What do you think?
posted by Witty at 8:06 PM

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$1.65 Billions !!!! are they nuts !!!
google already had something going similar to ! i dont think that the deal is worth that dollar amount, they simply over paid YouTube and made them Millioneers heh, correction " BILLIONEERS"
anyways, hope they improve the bandwidth of the site, its been slow loading for a while :)
Yahoo Video is great. Try it:
بالرفاه والبنين
جوجل يذكرني بحمد الصباح
يبي كل شيء
ma3qoola GOOGLE still ma 7asat enha mektafya ??
KAFAT O0 WAFAT .. eshtaby akthar ?? @@
Good topic ..
You think? (about Chad, that is hehe). But you are right (about Google not needing YouTube, that is) :) So, why did they buy it? I like Google, but I hate change :|
Fuzzy Wuzzy
3ala goolat refeejti: why didn't we think of that? We would've been Billionnaires :s
3ad ya7lailhom kiddos hal founders. I guess Google felt some kinda emotional attachment to them, being all of the same age group lol
امش خل نفكر أنا وياك بفكرة جذي جود نصير مليونيرية مو بليونيرية على الأقل :|
I know it is, but I prefer YouTube. The only time I used Google Video is to see Gary's famous numa numa video hehe (rakzay 3ala el 7ajeb lol)
الله يسلمك.. العشا بعد العيد :)
وياريتها راده على حمد الصباح بس ، إلا الديرة كلها جوجل والشكوى لله
Love your display pic :)
and Google doesn't seem it had enough! ma yeshteroon our blog bel marra? :|
I just hope they won't charge for the videos now ;/ money is power .. it's all about that now!
but lucky bastards those two :P
chikin chikin $$ heheh!
minshar 6ale3 wakel nazil wakel :S
i dont think inhum besawona befloos .. be6al3on leflos min il ads
I really still fail to see why Google bought YouTube. It's not like they have lack of money of fame!
Those kids ARE lucky, ehh? hehe
7ad'hom menshaar, bas shako ey6al3on more floos anyways? They dont need it. I think it's just a jealousy deal! Can't stand someone being more popular than them.
Googleيااالله على هال
مااخلو شي
$1.65 Billions !
انا شفت الرقم جان يوقف مخي عن الحسبه
الله يهنيهم ويرزقنا مثل ما رزقهم
$1.65 Billions !!!! are they nuts !!!
google already had something going similar to ! i dont think that the deal is worth that dollar amount, they simply over paid YouTube and made them Millioneers heh, correction " BILLIONEERS"
anyways, hope they improve the bandwidth of the site, its been slow loading for a while :)