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Sunday, January 14, 2007
If you don't like it, knock it down!

Witty says:

Although I'm feeling much better *el7imdellah* (thanks for those who asked :)), I think I've got the bloggin' fever now. This is my second post in a few days!

What prompted me to write this time is just to share this hilarious clip that was e-mailed to me. Sharing is caring, you know ;)

Hello, is that the demolition place?!

(aham shai DUblin and the 'ballpark finger' LOLL)

Do you think we can do this to 'r National Assembly? They can't seem to get it right anyway! Hope they won't flag 'r blog in the name of terrorism!! (Fuzzy, don't hate me if this really happens lol)


posted by Witty at 6:06 PM | Permalink |


  • At January 15, 2007 12:22 PM, Blogger DiLLi O MiLLi

    ززززووووووغه البنت .. أبي وحده مثلها توسع صدري وتضحكني هههههه

    أحممم.. (مساسر)وليييش الكتبه اللي تحت نمنم يا جبانه!!؟

  • At January 15, 2007 8:15 PM, Blogger Mamloo7a Q8ia

    الله يعافيج ويتي طرشي لي رقم تلفون الشركه

  • At January 16, 2007 4:39 PM, Blogger Witty

    dilli o milli

    حددددددها مدها هالبنت .. موتتني من الضحك بالآخر واهي تحاجي "التوب مان" جنها واحد من الربع هاهاها

    إ...حححح...م (يعني مساسر) .. ما.. أقدر .. أقول.. ليش .. الكتابة... نمنم ..باجر ... زاخينا.. أمن ...الدولة

    Mamloo7a Q8ia
    هلا بالملح كله .. اشرايج بس؟ مو زوغة على قولة ديلي؟ :)

    وبعدين جان زين عندي رقم الشركة .. أكو جم *مبنى* ودي نوك ذِم داون باللي فيهم LOL

  • At January 20, 2007 11:36 PM, Blogger العين الساهرة

    السلام عليكم

    إشلونج ويتى ، من زمان عنج، سلامات على الإنفلونزا وإنتى في الكويت وما تقولين، جان طرشنالج جم ماعون حار وحلو للترحيب بالغالية.

    يا حلو البنت ويا حلو الآكسنت دوبلن، يسلملى الآكسنت وأهل دوبلن ولندن وبريطانيا كلهم وعيالنا اللى يدرسون فيها.

    أبى ديمليشن مان يفجر مجلس الأمة أثناء إجتماع النواب مع بعض، بدون وزراء، يصير؟

    فزى شخبارك من زمان ما مريت؟ ترى الجلب اللى عظك سفرناه

  • At January 21, 2007 4:14 PM, Blogger Witty

    العيـــــــــن ياهلا والله بالطش والرش:)))

    وأنا أشوف المدونة منورة:)
    أنا بخير عساج بخير يارب .. إي والله كنت بالكويت لمدة أسبوعين مروا جنهم يومين :( أبي أرد مرة ثانية :( يطري عليج يوم الغبار اللي حاشكم؟ ترى كل سنة أنا أييبه معاي .. قبسة على قولة رفيجتي هاها .. المرة الياية لا شفتي غبار عرفي إن أنا في الديرة .. قولي لي وينج حزتها أفا عليج أنا أييلج دام فيها أكل :D

    ومن بركات الكويت الله يسلمج ..خذيت لي دور برد بس أشوى حاشني عدل هني ما خرب عليّ في الكويت :))

    وأنا قلتها قبلج .. بس مساسر ..قلت ودي أفجر فيهم ..بس مع الوزارء ترى *إحم* لا أنطق بس

    وسمحيلي أرد عن فزي اللي ما ندري وينه .. غاط بالدوام وكان عنده امتحانات مسكين

    مشكورة على المرور حبيبتي ولا تقاطعين :*

  • At January 25, 2007 3:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Wow! It's been awhile since I visited your blog.

    Matshoof shar inshallah...

  • At January 26, 2007 6:33 PM, Blogger HobbyHolic

    LOoooL;p NaugTy GirL! BuT CuTe;p nice blog!

  • At February 02, 2007 6:03 PM, Blogger Witty

    Evil doesn't come your way. It's Witty, not Fuzzy, though :)

    Thanks a lot. Glad you liked it. Please do come again :)

  • At February 09, 2007 6:41 PM, Blogger UmmEl3yal

    lol .. I listened to the clip before reading through your post. And I was thinking "we should get the place's no and ask them to blow the GA" .. Then I read your comments .. LOL .. Great minds ;)

    How are you?! Miss you so much !

  • At February 10, 2007 10:36 PM, Blogger Witty

    Heeeeey, UmmEl3yaaaal :D Missed you kellesh mellesh! They say great minds think alike, ehh? ;)

    I'm doing OK el7imdellah, surviving and working harder than a donkey (7ashaach) in an Egyptian farm lol

    How about you? Hopefully you're doign much better than me :)

  • At February 11, 2007 5:34 PM, Blogger UmmEl3yal

    Hi hon :) How are you?! Fuzzy?!
    Where is he? I know this place that makes great Rahash cupcakes. I think of him each time I eat one!

    I am working harder than a mule in an Idian farm (7asha elkil w eljamee3) ;)

    Nothing is finishing. It gets harder and harder each day. Sometimes i think of giving up but then akhaf min shamatat b3d elnas ;)

    Good Luck !

  • At February 12, 2007 11:22 PM, Blogger Witty

    UmmEl3yal :*

    Fuzzy is missing in action. Been ages since I last saw/talked to him.. bas hagweti etha sema3 3an el rahash.. beyee raketh lol

    My advisor keeps saying: Pressure makes diamonds. O ana agool: I'm being diamondized now lol sheddai 7ailich ma3ay.. ya ne9eeer diamonds, ya nethel carbon :|

  • At February 13, 2007 12:15 AM, Blogger Fuzzy

    Hawdy Ya'll lol, im using my Southern Accent :P

    its been a while since i visited any blog, including mine hehehe... guess as witty said " if you Bring it, they will come " that is the Rahash ofcourse...

    how you all been doin ? hope all in good health, dilli, ummel3yal, witty, mamloo7a, العين الساهرة, shlonkomz ?

    Rahash... Yabeeelaa
    7alwa... Yabeelaaaa
    Darabeel... Yabeelaaaaaa
    balalee6 o baith... Yabeelaaa
    المستقبل جدامي
    واللي حققلي طموحي
    بنك الكويت الوطني

  • At February 14, 2007 7:37 PM, Blogger Witty


    yal cutter.. ayna antaa?? ma tenshaaf ella here? ana gayla.. ma eyeebik ella el RaHaSh LOOL 3ashat ummel3yaal

    ana ebkhair wa be9e7a jaydaa wal 7amdo lellaaah.. bas stressed out men el work! 3endik 7al? (ghair bankik el wa6ani? :P)

  • At February 15, 2007 10:10 AM, Blogger Hitman1


    Why you guys haven't been writing any posts lately?

  • At February 15, 2007 3:49 PM, Blogger Witty

    Hala hitman :)

    I've been very busy lately. Got loads in my mind to write about, but just don't have the energy to blabber about it in writing :)

    Fuzzy has disappeared off the face of the earth!! ekhtefaa ma enshoofa! If you want him, call Rahaaash out loud, three times :D

    I'll try to post something asap :)
    Thanks for asking :)

  • At February 17, 2007 3:09 PM, Blogger White Wings

    hay girl
    how are you doing?
    hope all is well...happy valentine's to you darling
    God, i feel like this girl sometimes :)

  • At February 17, 2007 3:31 PM, Blogger Honey™

    looool that was funny ;p

    7mdellah 3ala il salama ;)

  • At February 17, 2007 8:50 PM, Blogger Witty

    White Wingssss
    Hey hey :)) First of all, Happy Birthday to youuuu.. Happy Birthday to youuuu.. Happy Birthday to Whitie, Happy Birthday to youuuu :D galooli 3eed meeladich kan greeb men el Valentine :D How old are you now? 19 right? :D

    I'm doing well, thanx dear :) Sorry I missed your BDay, bas mal7ooga inshallah :) I've been told you've enjoyed it, ashwa :**

    Oh, I feel like that girl all the time :))

    hehe Glad you liked it. O Allah eysalmich, thanx a lot and thanx for passing by :))

  • At February 18, 2007 5:52 PM, Blogger Hitman1

    kaaaak rahash three times... hahaha I got that one... ya3ney candy man? :)

  • At February 18, 2007 9:43 PM, Blogger Witty

    Well, not Candy Man, the horror movie, but the guy has a sweet tooth. Kel ma yebna 6ari el akel wel 7elow, yana raketh. Don't ask me eshlon yadree lol
    (Check out the comment up there)