How good is your Voice ?
Regardless of the quality of my voice, i've been singing the following lyrics - in the shower - and i have to admit, i sound like a drunken Tenor ! but it feels good to sing the lyrics out loud in the shower, just like one of the Famous male tenors and to sing it in Italian adds a special twist to it.
so here is some information about it, followed by a recording of that famous part of La donna e mobile (Verdi - Rigoletto) performed by Andrea Bocelli.
La donna è mobile
"La donna è mobile" ("Woman is fickle") is the cynical Duke of Mantua's casually misogynistic canzone from Giuseppe Verdi's opera Rigoletto (1851). Its reprise in the last act is chilling, as Rigoletto realizes from the sound of the Duke's lively voice coming from within the tavern (offstage), that the body in the sack is not that of the Duke after all.
The canzone is famous as a showcase for tenors. It has been recorded by Enrico Caruso, Pl?cido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti and hundreds of others.
Regardless of the quality of my voice, i've been singing the following lyrics - in the shower - and i have to admit, i sound like a drunken Tenor ! but it feels good to sing the lyrics out loud in the shower, just like one of the Famous male tenors and to sing it in Italian adds a special twist to it.
so here is some information about it, followed by a recording of that famous part of La donna e mobile (Verdi - Rigoletto) performed by Andrea Bocelli.
La donna è mobile
"La donna è mobile" ("Woman is fickle") is the cynical Duke of Mantua's casually misogynistic canzone from Giuseppe Verdi's opera Rigoletto (1851). Its reprise in the last act is chilling, as Rigoletto realizes from the sound of the Duke's lively voice coming from within the tavern (offstage), that the body in the sack is not that of the Duke after all.
The canzone is famous as a showcase for tenors. It has been recorded by Enrico Caruso, Pl?cido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti and hundreds of others.
The Music

The Lyrics
Original Italian
La donna è mobile
Qual piuma al vento,Muta d'accento - e di pensiero.
Sempre un amabile,
Leggiadro viso,In pianto o in riso, - è menzognero.
? sempre misero
Chi a lei s'affida,Chi le confida - mal cauto il core!
Pur mai non sentesi
Felice appienoChi su quel seno - non liba amore!
English Translation
The woman is unpredictable,
Like a feather in the wind,She changes her voice - and her thoughts.
Always sweet,
Pretty face,In tears or in laughter, - always lying.
Always miserable,
He who trusts her,Who confides in her - his unwary heart!
Yet nobody feels
Fully happyWho on that bosom - doesn't drink love!
Listen to it