Yo, Blair!
On July 17th, 2006, and particularly during the G8 summit in St Petersburg, Russia, the leaders of the two most powerful countries were discussing the crisis in the Middle East over lunch. As this was a private time, all the guests’ microphones were off, except one!! President Bush and Tony Blair voices were picked on video as they expressed their frustration about the crisis in the Middle East, unaware that a microphone nearby was on.
Bush tells Blair that he likes the sweater Blair chose for him personally, noisily chews on a buttered role, whilst swearing about Hezbollah, and referring to Syrian President Bashar-al-assad .. as Bashad. He confides to Tony that he's annoyed that other leaders "talk for too long" because he wants to go home and most amusingly summons him with the greeting "Yo Blair". (Faisal Isalam report, Channel 4 news, UK)
But how did this happen? Was it an accident? An electrical malfunction? Maybe!
Or maybe not!
The Russian President, Valdimir Putin, was seen, by Channel 4 team, smiling wryly at his seat with the red light on his microphone lights up!!
>>>Click here to read Faisal Islam report and watch the video.
>>>Go to More4 News to read the whole conversation.
Thought of the Day
When Israel agreed to halt air strikes for 48 hour, no UN, International, Lebanese or Arab rescue workers were sent to Southern Lebanon. Everyone was afraid for their lives and skeptical about Israel’s intentions. Isn't that a suitable situation for the Mojahedeen who want to bomb themselves and go to heaven?!!
ذكرى 2/8 بعد ستة عشر عامًا ، مازلت يا كويت حرة ومازال شعبك أبيّا .. زاد عدد شهدائك ، وأصبح البعض منهم منسيّا ... فأين أنتَ يا بدر، وهل ما زلت بين زملائك حيّا؟!!
First of all, Congratulations on your First Post :)
Yo Blair watch Dumb & Dumber heeeh
في ذكري يوم 2-8 الاسود أحب أقول عاشت الكويت حرة .. وان شاء الله دم شهدائك لم يكون هدراً
الى نواف وعبدالله و فايق ويعقوب ويوسف وعلى وجميع شهداء الكويت .. أنتم السابقون ونحن اللاحقون باذن الله