Here are some news bits from Yahoo! News which I found really amusing today. Not as amusing as the ever endless
Bushisms, but, nevertheless, so ironically funny.

"We know that if we leave Iraq before the mission is completed, the enemy is going to come after us. And I want you to know that the American people will not support a policy of retreat" said DICK Cheney in a speech aboard the USS Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier at Yokosuka Navy Base near Tokyo.
I have no idea why are they still using that lie! Terrorism?? In Iraq? That would haunt them? PUH-lease!! I think after the bloodshed the 'invation' has created, they won't be any Iraqis left to terrorise anybody, anywhere!
"We want to complete the mission, we want to get it done right, and we want to return with honor," he added.
I'm a bit confused here! Are we still talking about Iraq?? Complete the Mission? Right? Honor?? Horror, is more like it! (Suddenly Abu Ghraib flashes horribly in mind!!)

Bush is sending 21,500 more troops to Iraq, but Democrats in charge of U.S. Congress are pressing for a change in strategy.
You go, Georgy!! Flood them out with more troops. Kill ALL the Iraqis and your problems will ALL be gone, along with the remains of what used to be a semi-functional brain that won you the elections TWICE somehow!

British media reported that British Prime Minister Tony Blair was set to announce on Wednesday that Britain would start to withdraw its 7,100 troops from Iraq within weeks. Blair was expected to say the withdrawal reflected Britain's success in southern Iraq, where control of security is being handed back to Iraqi forces, the media reports said.
NOW that's a lie worth telling!! Whatever it takes to get you outta there! Maybe the Americans should give such strategy a shot! (Hmm.. that sounded ludicrously redundant, didn't it? lol)
LONDON - Britain will withdraw around 1,600 troops from Iraq in the coming months and aims to further cut its 7,100-strong contingent by late summer if Iraqi forces can secure the country's south, Prime Minister Tony Blair said Wednesday.
Hmm.. am worried about that if!
*Update2* 22/02/07

LONDON - Prince Harry, third in line to the British throne, is getting his wish to serve in Iraq. The Ministry of Defense ended speculation that had been swirling for about a week by announcing Thursday the 22-year-old prince will be sent to Iraq with his Blues and Royals regiment in May or June. Harry, a second lieutenant, will assume a troop commander's role.
The Sun (which I despise) said it all: 1,600 OUT.. ONE'S IN! مسيجين .. راح من كيس أهله
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